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On Re-reading "The World's Religions" by Huston Smith Now That I (Literally, Literally) Can

Kiley Saunders

Journal Archive

Kiley Saunders author writer journal entry

I'm rereading The World's Religions, which is the book we all burned my sophomore year of high school because we had it for summer reading and thought it was stupid when really it was just way beyond our reading levels. It's a very mature book. But I can read it fine now. And with enjoyment.

I was reading about Hinduism last week, and now Buddhism and I find them both so fascinating, vibrant, and colorful in spiritual thought. Things I've thought or felt or experienced, they champion and chase as sacred. There's something very special to me about reincarnation and past lives.

Just today I was looking back through old pictures. I thought it would make me sad, but it made me very happy. I realized how proud I am of myself at every stage. I want to hug the old me and tell her that. She's so cool and brave and smart and quirky and pretty. And at any given moment, I still am those things. I just want myself to remember that. That life is one big experiment. One big festival, one big canvas. All for me to color, to perform, to play, to help, to dance, to strategize, to listen, to move, to adventure. Every morning I want to wake up grateful and thinking how fun it is that I get to construct a life.

I love home I live and looking back on those pictures today reminds me that I'm confident in myself and my ability to navigate in a way that is ever-inspiring to my own self.

I always try to imagine if I met me, what would I think or do. Would I look up to me? Inspire me? Make me think? I think yes to all of the above. I am my goals.

There's really no room for self doubt. There's so many other fun, amazing things to be realizing about yourself, your life. Especially when you start visualizing and cashing in on what you dreamed of. And then when you're living in what you dreamt up?! Take a moment to take that shit in! To be grateful for the foresight, vision, and creation. To enjoy what you dreamed of. I'm going to have plenty of happiness. Plenty of health. And that's wealth. That's abundance. Good food, good mood, good cash flow, clear skin, optimal body. I want to be fit and comfortable:

financially economically

spiritually conscientiously

intellectually and all the other words ending in "ly"

sexually vibrationally, etc.


Kiley Saunders author writer journal entry

I feel good. I feel motivated. I feel excited for the new layer of me coming forth. It's always interesting, new, lovely, exciting, and fun.

Lol love how I ran a half-marathon this day but didn't write about that at all


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